3 Quotes & Sayings By Anton Myrer

Anton Myrer was born in 1892. He became an actor, stage producer and director of silent films. He also wrote screenplays, radio plays, and novels. Born in England, he began his career there in 1906 Read more

His acting career took him to New York, which he loved so much that he remained there to the end of his life. In 1937 he received a Tony Award for his Broadway production of "Money". In 1973 he received a special Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Theater. His books include: "The Secret of Richard III", "The Return of Richard III", "Richard III Discovering Richard III", "The Eve of Richard III", "The Life and Death of Richard III", "Ricardo's Daughter", "A Letter from Richard III".

We stand at an immense fork in the raod. One way is the path of generosity, dignity and a respect for other races and customs; the other leads most certainly to greed, suspicion, hatered and the old, bloody course of violence and waste - and now, God help us, to the very destruction of all the struggles and triumphs of the human race on this earth. My old friends and fellow townsmen: which will it be? . Anton Myrer
He had chosen to spend his days in the world of men. Life was what mattered, its slow, priceless pulse, its burning fragility; his debt lay with those importunate Flanders echoes that had never really left him. The private could aspire to be a general because both general and private, at their best, recognized the dire importance of strategy, fortitude, the value of their imperiled existence; but when the machinist became the executive he left the world of tangibles and human conjugacy and entered a shadow world of credits and consols - a world that seemed to reward nothing so much as irresponsibility and boundless greed. And when the thunder rolled down upon them - as he knew it would - how would he feel, playing with paper, striving to outwit his fellows, drinking imported Scotch evenings and listening to the brittle parade of comedians on radio. .?. Anton Myrer